Sunday, June 18, 2006

What's Wrong with Procrastinating?

Do you put things off? Are you a procrastinator? Yeah, me too.

It's one of those nasty habits I have to work really hard to overcome. It's especially difficult when it involves tasks that I don't particularly enjoy doing . . . Like laundry.

Now, don't get me wrong ~ I love having clean clothes and an empty laundry basket. And, if I can remember to throw in a load of laundry each day, I don't mind doing it at all. But, when the piles of laundry reach half way to the ceiling, I hate the thought of starting. I will do most anything to keep from being trapped in that room with all those dirty clothes!

I guess I have a mental block when it comes to laundry. I know it only takes a few minutes of my time if I just keep up with it. But, you know how it goes. I get busy doing other things and the laundry is the furthest thing from my mind. That is, until it's grown to mountain-sized proportions. Then I think about it constantly. The important word there is "think". It's always in the back of my mind, plaguing me like a bad toothache. When the amount becomes overwhelming, I start procrastinating. : (

You know what happens then: the piles keep growing, I feel more guilty, my concentration on other things is affected, and I accomplish less. It has a really negative affect on how I feel and perform.

It's so unnecessary!

I developed a new system. I throw a load of laundry in the washer and set a timer at my desk to go off when the wash cycle should be finished. Then I put those clothes in the dryer and set my timer again. This way I'm not left with clothes languishing in the washer for days or until they need to be washed again. Yes, I have had that happen in the past! Plus, I'm right there when the dryer stops so the clean clothes don't get wrinkled.

When the laundry is done, I feel so wonderful! It's worth taking a few minutes from my online work to do it. When I don't, I feel totally out of control and I don't like being out of control. It's just so much easier to do what needs to be done, when it needs to be done. Then you can go on with your other activities and not have to worry about it.

Of course, I'm only using laundry as an example. The same thing applies to any task you have a tendency to put off . . . Maybe it's writing ads for your online business, making dental appointments, or balancing the checkbook. Whatever it is, if you just force yourself to do it when you should, it never becomes a thorn in your side and it never becomes overwhelming. Best of all, you always feel good about yourself and what you're accomplishing.

The more you dislike doing something, the sooner you should get to it. Get it out of the way so you can get on to something that's more enjoyable. And just imagine how noble you'll feel when you've completed that onerous task! You'll feel lighter, happier, more capable and have a lot better self-image. You'll be in control.

I have to go now, the timer just went off . . .


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